Non Verbal communication

What is Non Verbal communication?

The way of communication in which we communicate with others with the use of body gestures,facial expressions and body language is known as Non Verbal communication or NVC.
Sometimes we don't use oral Way of communication but we can convey our messages to other by the help of non Verbal Communication.
By intentionally or un intentionally we use Some Non Verbal communication in our daily communications.

Importance of Non Verbal communication in linguistics:

As we all know that in linguistics we study language and language operations , so we can say that the Non Verbal communication are very important part of linguistics. Sometimes we can convey our messages to others because they are not familiar with our language,so we can communicate with them by body language,like facial expressions, noding head,smile ,and other ways . To fully make you to understand non Verbal communication I would like to dived it into different type ;
Types of Non Verbal Communications:
There are following some types of NVC or non Verbal communication by which you can easily understand it:

1-Body Language:

Body language is a non Verbal communication way of communication. During this type of communication we use our body language like nodding our head to say no, smiling to give positive response, Using fingers to Say yes or no.

2-Facial Expressions:

By facial expressions we can easily convey our messages to others . For example if we are sad ,the person talking to us k easily feel that the person is sad by facial expressions.If we are happy and smiling the next person will guess the we are happy. So that this is how we can deliver our messages to others by non Verbal communication.

3-Eye Gaze And Touching:

Eye gaze is also a way of communication. For example if we are permanent watching someone our something,the next person will definitely find that we are interested in that thing or person. Sometimes we can feel by touch that the touch is bad touch aur good touch. If a person touch with causal way than that is good otherwise it's bad touch so we can easily understand.

4-Loundness or tone of Voice:

Our tone of Voice and voice loudness can deliver our messages to other . The next person will be aware that we are happy or angry. For example if I shout In loud voice the person in front of me will be aware that I am in anger .if I am Using critical comments my tone is satirical the person will definitely find that I am talking ironically.


Our appearance is also a way of conveying message to other . People experts in Non Verbal communication can easily judge that we are happy or sad by our appearance. It's humans nature that if we are happy we tries to be attractive but we are sad we will give no heed to our appearance. So our appearance matters a lot to give message to someone.

6-Personal Space:

Sometimes we don't like some people because of some reasons, when we suddenly meet them ,we tries to maintain some personal space from people. Our personal space is enough to make feel to next person that we not really like him/her .
Obviously if we like someone,we will be more close to him/her . So this is how Non Verbal communication play a most important rule in our daily life .

Non Verbal communication in our daily life:

In our daily life we mostly use Non Verbal communication to deliver our messages to others.
The people whom with we are more attached we can easily convey our regards to them by our body language, gestures, facial expressions, touch, appearance.
So this is how the Non Verbal communication is most important to understand because without understanding we can recognize NVC in our communication.

Why We use Non Verbal communication?

We use Non Verbal communication when the next person is not able to understand our language. So convey our messages we need to use Non Verbal communication.
To make relationship Strong:
Sometimes we use Non Verbal communication to make our relationship Strong. As we all know that when we meet a best friend we use a strong handshake and hugging but when we meet our teachers our elders we tries to maintain our Respect for them .

To Teach something

During a lecture we mostly use Non Verbal communication. For example when we are attending a lecture,our facial expressions, body language,our way of sitting,our attention to teacher matters a lot. If we are active and making a strong eye contact with teachers,than teacher will be aware that we are attending lecture actively otherwise they will think that we not interested in lecture.

Why need to improve Non Verbal communication?

As we all know that to have better understanding of each and every action done by others,we need to be more active to ,so we need to improve our Non Verbal communication. So to make better relationship with others we need to improve our Non Verbal communication. Otherwise we will not be able to understand what the people means and what are they saying to us.


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